Wednesday 13 June 2012

This is my story ...

Assalamualaikum / Hi,

Blogger? What is blogger? I'm yet to find out..(^_<) So this is my story, "Art of the heart" is a place for me to share the pieces of me. Art have always been my passion especially in writing.. So here is some-kind-like my scrapbook to share my thoughts and brush up my art of writing.. My next post won't necessarily has to be in English..I'm not that fluent but sometimes I just make it as a way to brush up my English I would to apologize for the grammatical errors (if there's any..and of course there are quite a number of errors) Still a lot to learn about blogging..I am just a baby in this blogger's world.. I really do appreciate the supports and guides from other bloggers.. That's all for now.. Happy reading..(^_^)

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